Liposuction FAQ

Do you have tumescent liposuction questions? Well we’ve got answers! Browse the questions below to get answers to some of the most common questions about liposuction! From the cost of liposuction to liposuction recovery!

Q: What is tumescent liposuction?

A: Tumescent Liposuction is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that is used to remove fat deposits from various areas of the body. The areas that liposuction is generally performed are the abdomen, hips, inner and outer thighs, flanks (or love handles), and inner arms. The Surgery Squad virtual procedure uses the tumescent technique to remove fat deposits from the patient’s abdomen. The word tumescent means swollen and firm, and when tumescent fluid is injected into the fat deposits, it causes the patient’s abdomen to literally become tumescent. After injecting the fluid a hollow metal tube, called a cannula, is used to break up and essentially vacuum fat deposits out of the body.

Q: How much does tumescent liposuction cost?

A: The cost of tumescent liposuction is based on a number of variables including the size and number of areas being treated, anesthesia, medical tests, and medication prescribed. You can generally expect to pay somewhere in the range of $2,000 USD to $8,000 USD for tumescent liposuction.

Q: What are the risks of tumescent liposuction?

A: As with any cosmetic surgery tumescent liposuction does involve some risk, albeit rare. The most common risks of liposuction are mild bruising and scarring and changes in skin pigmentation. The most severe dangers of liposuction are infections, reactions to the anesthesia, blood clotting, and fluid loss. It is recommended that you discuss your medical history and all of the risks associated with liposuction with your physician prior to the surgery.

Q: How can I prepare for tumescent liposuction?

A: To prepare for tumescent liposuction you may have a pre-operative appointment scheduled for blood work to ensure that you are healthy enough to have the surgery performed. It is also highly recommended that you quit smoking a few months before the procedure. Smoking greatly affects the length of time it will take your body to heal.

Q: What can I expect during tumescent liposuction?

A: During tumescent liposuction your physician will inject a numbing solution to greatly reduce the amount of discomfort you may experience. Although you may feel a bit of pressure, this is very mild. After the numbing solution and tumescent fluid has been injected into the treatment area, your physician will remove the fatty deposits using a cannula. Sutures may or may not be required, and is at the discretion of your physician.

Q: What is the recovery time for tumescent liposuction?

A: Most patients can return to normal activity within a few weeks, and their will still be some bruising that should fade within a few days after the procedure. Any swelling that occurs may take a little longer to subside. If you’re looking to have tumescent liposuction performed on your abdomen, you can also expect to wear a compression garment for two to six weeks after the procedure. This garment holds the tissues together, controls swelling, and provides additional support as your body heals.

Q: What can I expect after tumescent liposuction?

A: The final result of the liposuction will be evident in about one to three months after the surgery, although most people will see a noticeable difference within days or weeks. Although the suctioned fat deposits are gone, if you don’t maintain a proper diet and exercise regimen, the remaining fat deposits could enlarge, creating irregularities in the treated area.

Q: What are the alternatives to tumescent liposuction?

A: The most successful and healthy alternative to tumescent liposuction is sticking to a healthy diet and regularly exercising. As stated in the virtual procedure, tumescent liposuction is generally recommended for those that have made an honest attempt at diet and exercise with little or no visible results. When researching alternatives to tumescent liposuction, especially non-invasive alternatives, check to make sure they have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Treatments, medications, and supplements that have not been approved by the FDA are not required to have studies performed to prove their effectiveness.

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